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Thursday 5 March 2015


February 13, 1998 – May 31, 2011
The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one.  I scooped you up in my arms, flipped you over and held you.  I knew you were the one. 

You were with me when I got married.  You were with me when we moved away.  You were with me when I was pregnant with both my children.  You were with me, quietly, when they woke in the middle of the night to be fed.  You were patient and gentle with them, even when they could only toss your Frisbee a few feet.
We walked together, day after day, for over 13 years.  I know how lucky I was to have you with me for so long.  What I wouldn’t give for one more walk with you.

How many times will I check the floor before I swing my legs out of bed?  How many times will I reach over and only feel the couch instead of you?  How many times will I reach for your leash and wait for you to come running? 

I will miss you forever.

~ Jill

Wednesday 4 March 2015


Zeke, 1996 - 2013.  From the moment we saw Zeke at the Winnipeg Humane Society at the tender age of 6 weeks, we knew that he was the one for us. From his cute tabby kitten days to his final year, Zeke always displayed love and affection that brightened our day. As a kitten he loved to run, play and hide. Some days he would curl up inside our pillow case or inside the linen closet, waiting for us to return home. Our leather sofa bore all the signs of a playful kitten. Zeke loved to play chase and was always ready for a game of "attack the hand".  

Zeke was also a traveler. From his early years in Winnipeg, he moved with the family to Mexico in 1999 and loved the opportunity to find new creatures to play with including spiders and scorpions. Zeke loved lying in the sun on cool days and on the tile floor on hot days. He moved back to Winnipeg with his family in 2003 and slowly moved from being an inside cat to one that loved the outdoors. He loved our kids and would always sleep across the top of our pillow during the night, slowly taking over the whole pillow by morning. The last years of his life were spent on a family acreage in the Winkler area where he clearly loved life. He would always recognize his "real family" whenever we came by to visit and was clearly loved by all who cared for him. 


Billy was my best friend for 14 years.  I got him when he was already 5 years old and enjoyed every minute with him.  As my only roommate, he was a part of all my activities and vacations.  He made friends with all my friends and also found a few other dog-friends along the way.  He brought me only good memories (mostly!) and it's still hard when I find something in the house that reminds me of him.  What a great dog!

Brandon, Manitoba